Saturday, October 12, 2013

Let's make this Smiley Saturday

     I have been having trouble writing on Friday so I'll change this to smiley Saturday. So I have thought about this for a while and only came up with a topic a second ago. Let's talk about how tough is really is being Christians. As Christians we fall under temptation, we have to always stay true to God even when we feel like he isn't there, like he has other things to do. I feel like that all the time. I have to understand that he is always there for me, I have to have faith in Him. The faith Christians have for God is stronger than anything. Think about it, we have faith in something we can't see, feel, or hear. That faith says a lot about us doesn't it. We are pretty awesome to have that faith. Even though we still fall under temptation. Say you were falling at 1,000 miles per hour, and someone put the softest, biggest bed under you to break your fall. You would still have a few bruises, but you are still alive. Kind of like Jesus, he saves us on the cross, that doesn't mean bad things won't happen and there will not be sadness, but He is with us 24/7. Cool right! We are pretty strong with Him. We are unstoppable with him.

 Well here is another little song.

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