Saturday, January 5, 2013

My Grandmother was Mugged

     Last February, my grandmother was mugged. We call her Maga. Anyway she was getting groceries out of her car when someone came up behind her and grabbed her from behind. She screamed loudly and saw the jacket the robber was wearing. The person said. "Shut up or I'll kill you," The person hit her with something heavy pushed her to the ground and took off. Maga saw footsteps and thought the robber came back! Maga called 911 when she saw her neighbor coming. He said that he saw the a man running, and he was African American. The neighbor took the phone and the police showed up. Maga called my mom and my aunt, oh and it was snowing. The police said to take Maga to the ER to make sure her head wasn't damaged, and it wasn't.
     The next day she slept over with us and we made arrangements to get her gate fixed, a big light in her yard, and an alarm system. After that was done she felt safe and went back home with no sign of the robber near her house.
     About 6 weeks later Maga saw the same jacket and the same car she recognized that night, she called 911. I don't know what happened after she called.
     A few months back she was scheduled to go to trail with the man she saw, a suspect. That day I was home sick and my mom and aunt went to the trail. My mom's friend watched me until they came back. When they did they had to go back in less that an hour. My mom's friend had to pick up her kids from school and if they get sick, they get really really sick. So I stayed home alone for 7 or 8 hours and I texted my mom's friend every now and then, because she was scared for me. I mostly watched TV. When they came home,and it wasn't over. They had a jury that made the decision a couple days later, we where hoping guilty but unfortunately he was found. not guilty. We where heartbroken, but happy it was over. Maga is fine there has been no disturbance and we are sort of back to normal.

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