Saturday, June 30, 2012

She is in heaven

    Yesterday I lost a grandparent. Grandma died. She was sweet, loving, kind, and very entertaining. It all started yesterday morning. Mom jumped on my bed and told me the people who clean our house where here and we needed to go. So in the car we started talking about Grandma. Philip said,
"Is Grandma dead?" Mom noded her head. I was sad but I felt worse for Oppa, BeeBee, and Dad. Poor Dad he had to break the news to them sadly.
     So they started planning a funeral on Thursday. Grandma would be burried near her mom and dad.
      That day my brother came uo and went to the funeral early. When we got there first I went to see Grandma in her caskit. She looked nice. As the tears came I blinked them back and felt a tap on my shoulder. As I turned around I realized it was the two woman who run the preschool for our church. My mom coordinates preschool and I help them a lot So I know them well. They told me thst she is in no more pain and she is very happy. Thats when the tears came. I huged then and I felt better. Then it was time for or last look and a prayer. My heart hurt so bad but what was happening was a peice of life. \
     After that we went in the room with everyone and got to sit up front. They talked about the family and prayed . Then we got in  the car and drove to the grave and mom told us that the cops are flying to stop traffic for us. That was cool because we got speicial treatment. When we were there we sat in special chairs and my big brother lifted the caskit and set it down on a table sort of. All of these people were hugging us and giving us things. I got a flower and drpped a picture below where she would be burried and left sad.
     After that we got food with the family and whent home then whent to oppa's house.We settled them down and gave them food and left.
     At home the church had came in and gave us yummy food and we ate more.
Well that was is sadly. I love you grandma!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Poor Grandparents and Beth

So now I want to tell you the whole story from the start. So first my grandfather Oppa started getting weak and sick so we took him to a rehab hospital in florence. Where he learned how to move around more and get stronger. Some days he would get so tired he couldn't remember our names. I feel so horrible for him. Later grandma got sick and would not eat. So we put both of them in good hands in Florence. Then we were done because we had to go there every day and we would miss mom and dad. So we decided to move them here. My grandmother hated the idea. She is so so so stubborn. So we forced them to move over here. Before we did that we had Beth stay with us for a couple of days and she stayed in the office. The only bad thing was she was tottaly lazy and mean. She walked in andacted like she was the boss of us. Mom got on to her every time she ws mean. One time she told us to embarrass her by walking in and saying loudly, "Here are your pads an underwear!!!" She was mad but she deserved it. When we moved them in we hired these home health care people to come in and make hot meals and make sure they take their medicine. It made their life so much easier. I have 2 favorite people. I can't say well because I just cant. One day we took Beth to see men in black 3. That same day we had to close the house. With Beth. Have I told you Beth has the mind of a 3rd grader because she has some problems. Well that makes it twice as hard that day. So Beth my brother and I had to sit in a car listening to my brother scream out songs in the car and Beth shushing him every 2 seconds with me in charge trying to keep things going. It was awful. I will never forget that day. A couple of weeks later grandma had some very bad pains in her gallbladder so mom took her to the ER to see what was happening and apparently she has gallbladder stones which hurts so bad. She had to have a stuck down in her throat to see what was going on which caused some infection in her. So she had so much pain she did not eat. Which led us to taking her to the hospital so dad goes every day and we miss him. I hope she will feel better with an IV.

Thursday, June 7, 2012