I had a trip to auburn. My dad went to collage at auburn to become a pharmacist. So we went for the a-day game. This is how it went down. When we woke up I was so exited to go to my teams home, but unlucky me it was raining uhg I hope it did not effect our time we leave. Lucky me it did not effect the time. We set out and it took forever to get there. We got soooo bored. Then we went to walgreenes for some reaon. The reason was my big bro who does not live with us works there yay! He was going to be there too. So we left then we saw a "welcome to auburn univercity" wich means we were here. Me and my little bro pressed our faces up against the window to see what auburn looked like. So the first thing we did was go shopping for a auburn shirt. I got one that said war .... eagle on it well you get the picture anyway we went to 2 stores. We had so much fun. Then we went to toomers drugs to get the best lemonade in the world. Then we had to leave because it was about to rain. So we went to our hotel then we had to leave again to go to the auburn diner. We went ahead and started eating then we hear this realy loud sound coming from outside and it was hail it was like a vacume cleaner next to a mouse. It stopped after 5 mins. We went to our hotel and we were so tired we got ready for bed still waiting for my big bro and his girlfriend then they finnaly got here. They were late because they had to drive around a storm. When we were in bed my and my little bro had a tusssle then we finnaly went to bed. Part 1.
I love living Auburn because there is always something to do, Visa is issued by the embassy of the country they wish to visit. The neighborhoods are beautiful, and there are many great restaurants in the city!