Friday, September 27, 2013


     Sorry I didn't do this earlier but I couldn't. So this week was long, seems like every day there is nothing to really look forward to exept the weekend. You just go through and count down the hours until you can leave. Agreed? Well, maybe that's not the case for you but sometimes is it for me. You just do what you have to do with no purpose, because you just don't want to jazz up your day or you just feel awful and you want to disappear, I know it's ok. It doesn't have to be that way you can be goofy and weird and have fun, because you can. Fun, is a word that can be used in a wrong way or a right way, you know what I'm talking about. But you have the freedom to be awesome!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Introducing....... FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!

     Hey, so it's Friday, finally. The moment you wake up on Monday morning the first thing I think is, "I wish it was Friday". Now it is YAAAyYYy I'm hoping to convince my mom to take us and some friends to go eat frozen yougurt.
     This week was pretty laid back so I don't know what to write about. I will just make this a journal entry and not a opinative post. So this week I have encountered another week and I'm happy because today was a half day of school, oh wait the tv gave me an idea, hang on hang on.
     Ok will list my favorite pop songs
1. Roar
2. Gold
3. Cruise
4. Titanium
5. Come and get it
     Music makes me so happy, I just tune out.mif you don't listen to music YOU are missing out. If you dance in your room and constantly turn on you music YOU ROCK and keep it up!!!,
Watch this video

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fra Fra Fra Friday

     Hey, so, it's Friday!!! Yay! Let me just get to this. Society makes us think that the most inappropriate clothes we put on our body is just plain awesome, or the more skin that's visible the better, or the most expensive clothes make up who you are, but noooooo, it doesn't work that way. We are just pain awesome and of course you'll mess up but that's normal. Back to society, society gets in your head and, to me, it almost seems like they want you to feel all messed up. Noooooooooo we have to ignore that stuff, and focus on what really matters GOD. Now you have heard all of this before. It's like society takes every magazine and smacks you in the face until you get so  insecure when you don't have to be. The bible tells that we don't have to be insecure because there is no flaw in you and your PERFECT!!!
     My advise would be wear appropriate clothes and just be nice and kind so you feel good about yourself and others can too!!!
     Just dress the opposite of Miley Cyrus at the VMAS and respect yourself and you'll be feeling great about yourself, and if you still don't, just flat out pray over and over till you notice a change in your life.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday Friday

     This week was a MESS!!!!!!!!!!! I went to the animal hospital for my cousins dog, played in a brand new pool, and went to the mall twice! Anyway God was with me the whole time no matter how many tears we shed in the animal hospital, or how angry I got and prayed for forgiveness so many times I felt so bad. Oh my! Everyday I said to myself, " I can't wait to go to bed" or, " very soon I will be in bed"
     So my bible verse for this week is
She is clothed in strength and dignity, she laughs without fear of the future.
Proverbs 31:25

     Just my girly verse for the week.
So God was with me the whole time I was going through this week and He is not dead
He is pretty awesome!!!!!