Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Hunger Games

     I have just finished reading my favorite book," The Hunger Games." It is the best book ever is has romance,voilence,love and hunting in it. I love the movie but the book is better. If anyone is intrested I would give it a 5 star rating. GO SUZANNE COLLINS!!!!!File:Hunger games.jpg

Sunday, September 16, 2012

  “What would it like to be a foreign exchange student?”  Well in my words weird, scary, different, confusing, and again different.           On a pros and cons list a pro is seeing and learning new things. A con would be not knowing anyone and not being near your family.       I would not like to go away because I would miss my family and I don’t really know anything there. So being a foreign e.xchange is not for me.

    “If I could do one thing to make the world a better place, I would try to convince the people who are less fortunate that they matter.” I think it’s important because they probably feel bad and need people to love on them.
     They probably feel like they don’t matter to the world. They do there in only one person that they could be, and that in themselves. That’s why I think it is important for them to feel better about themselves.
     I would start by volunteering at the manna house and treating the less fortunate people like kings and queens. I would hope that by doing that that they would feel so much better inside and that they would go on with their life trying their hardest at everything life gives them.

“How can you be influential to others?”  Well there are lots of ways but my favorite way is to be kind to other people. People will want to hang out with you when you are kind and happy.         Another way is to be strong. Strength is nice to have in tough situations.  That is how we can be influential.
    “If I could spend the day doing anything it would be tie dying t-shirts. I love tie dying t-shirts. The colors are fun to pick and when there done it’s like a masterpiece done by yours truly.      I love making them more than wearing them.       I would make them outside with my cousins and big brother if he would be there. We would have water sprinklers on and lemonade to drink. That is what I would like to do.

     “If I could volunteer somewhere, I would volunteer at an orphan home.” Orphans are still people. They have to rely on people who aren’t their family, but we still have to treat them like family for them to feel loved.
     I would help them cook food, clean up, spend time with the orphans. I would like to read a book to them. Helping them would make their life so much easier. That’s why I would like to volunteer there.

     “The most influential person in my life is Bethany Hamilton.” She was an amazing surfer and competed in all kinds of competitions. On Halloween one year she was attacked by a shark and lived. She felt bad but she had a relationship with God that helped her.
    After a month she jumped back in the water and taught herself how to surf again.
I want to have the courage, strength, and a strong relationship with God like her.   :):):):)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

You dont have to hang around bad things

     I was playing with my neighbors, we were playing cops and robbers and the cops where doing some inappropriate things I am not calling names or telling you what they did. It wasn't good. I decided to leave immediately. I found my little brother sitting in the grass doing nothing. I asked what he was doing. He said he was there because none of us where paying attention to him. When he said that everything that he was feeling just made me feel awful. I apologized to him and told him we where leaving. I held his tiny hand and I knew he would want to stay with his friends. I told mom we wanted to go. I got him home with something he couldn't pass up, a race, with me, I let him win to get him home quicker. I knew he would ask questions so I said they non heavy version to him.
      My point is you never have to hang around bad things like that whether its your best friend, neighbor, siblings  friend you have to be careful what you hang around and care for who you love to death.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Dream Job

     “What is my dream job?”  Well my dream job would be a film producer and director. I love making movies on the computer. I have made like a million. I usually take our family photos, put them on windows live movie maker, put some animation in it, put music behind it, and add a tittle and credits. It normally takes me about 10 minutes to make one.