Friday, August 31, 2012

The best day ever

     The best day ever was at the beach with my cousins, grandmother, mom, brother, and aunt. We went to Sea grove beach and hung out at the beach all day. The best day was probably our last day. We went to the beach with our boogie boards. There was a red flag up which meant high surf. My cousins and I like to ride the waves. When a big wave comes we turn around stick our body inside of it and the wave zooms us to shore, but sometimes the wave goes over us and we get trapped inside the wave but as cousins we always help us up. It is very hard to walk in sand with ginormous waves but we did it.
     It was our passion, zooming to shore with my faithful cousins by my side saving each other from drowning. We had so much fun but when we were done our knees where bleeding and they were all scraped up because we were sad we had to leave but very happy. I still have scars on my knees. The waves where tough on us but I wasn’t scared because when we get trapped we always saw a hand popping in the water grabbing you!

Saturday, August 18, 2012


     A while ago I got braces. It took like a hour and a half to get them on. So first they took x rays of my teeth and showed my what kind of braces I am going to get.
     After X rays they sat me down and molded my teeth which was the worst part cause I kinda puked a little. Anyway I could feel the glue and the metal which was very odd feeling. When they where done I felt it every time  I closed my mouth. It was extremely soar for 5 days. By the 7 day I was used to them. So that is how I got braces. I don't love them for sure

Beach !!!! and more

     So I went to the beach with my dad, mom, and little brother.
     We took a 7 hour car trip to orange beach and when we got there we immediately put on our swim suits and went to the beach. My brother and I body surfed and when we were done we went to the pool and then went to dinner and had seafood. When we went home we showered and went to sleep.     
     That morning we had break feast and went to the beach. We hunted shells, tried to catch fish, and made sand castles. After that we went to the pool. Then we went to lunch we went to the home of the throwed rolls. Well they throw the rolls to you across the room. Fun right. After that we went to the beach again and then had seafood. 
     That morning we left and went to see an old battleship and a submarine. It was so cool we played around with the little thingies and had fun.
     After that we went to dads old family. He was adopted. They were very nice.
     That was the end of that trip!!!!!


     School starts in 2 days. Its a total bummer. 1. because it starts on my birthday. 2. beacuse I have to go to bed early and have to get up early. Im  mostly bummed because its on my birthday. I havent been this zooned out of my birthday since never.
     Anyway I have a new laptop and teacher. She is brand new. She seems nice. Anyway Im dreading school. 
     Comment if you feel the same. :(     :)