Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Can I Please Catch a Brake

     This might take a while. Right now I am in a place where we are on the go every second.
     My grangparents moved to a new house close by. Some some health care people are there to help them with chores and food and things they need to survive. My parents are telling them every second that they need warm meals and their medicne and their not doing it. Like if a worker says ,"What do you want to eat?" and they say, "Nothing," they think thats one less thing they need to do, but noooo, they need to be able to let them be able to eat and have their meds on time.
     Now my beebee (aunt) is one more thing to worry about.She has some brain disabilities so she has the brain of a 3rd grader. What do you know I am smarter that a 45 year old. She was not allowed to do things because oppa (grandpa) and grandma was afraid she would fail. So she was never taught to pick up her room. So her old room is a pigsty. She is a little bosy, ok a lot bosy. You should see her when she is mad she is like a volcano about to erupt. She says ssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 456,852,789,123,446,885,999,444,111,236,012 times a day ot seems like. That is something else to cause a problem. More later.

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