Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Last Smiley Saturday

     I have missed the last 4 weeks doing this, so instead of doing smiley Saturday I will just do a post when I remember or want to write about something okay?
     On to this, ever had a day where is just a normal day then BAMMMM something happens and it messes your whole day up? Well, one time it was a normal day at school. Most of the teachers were at Disney for blue ribbon so we had a lot of subs. So, everyone all came back from PE band, or choir to go to another class because that period was over. As we make our way to the 6th grade hallway, the teachers were blocking it. We all crowded in the gym lobby anxious, confused, and wondering what happened. Come to find out that one of our subs collapsed from pain of something. I don't know exactly what happened but I do know there was an ambulance at school. It was pretty crazy.
    Another example was just like an hour ago when my older brother was going to work only to find that someone broke into his car and stole a rifle, and we had to call the cops. You know, the most strangest things can happen.
     So I just wanted to share weird stuff like that. BYE!!!