Saturday, November 16, 2013

Smiley Saturday

     Hello, so today I'm going to talk about operation Christmas child. Where you take a shoebox and pack it with toys that you buy. Then, operation Christmas child takes it across the world and they give it to children who don't have nice things. We packed two like 10 minutes ago. It was pretty cool. What I put in mine for a girl was.....
1. A stuffed bear
2. A slinky
3. Chapstick
4. Pencils
5 . Crayons
6. Whistle
7. Bobby pins
8. And paper

     When the kids are opening the boxes, people are talking about God to them. The boxes are really the bait so they will come and hear about Jesus.

Watch this video!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Smiley Saturday

     Hello everyone, it's Saturday and I am going to talk about world vision. World vision is something we just started doing. What we do is we can right a letter to our sponsor, we can pray for our sponsor, we pay money to support our sponsor.
     We sponsor a little boy named Alex Riquelmer, he lives in Honduras and he is 6 years old. I really love the idea of helping a needy boy! I think everyone should sponsor. It is a awesome program and I think these kids really need it.
     I don't have too much to say so I will show a video that kinda ties into this

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Smiley Saturday

     So I skipped last week and I'm sorry, I totally forgot! So I'm definitely doing this week!
So, sometimes, we, as humans, feel like a day is just another day. Like, there is no purpose. I sometimes feel like everything is a routine and nothing is ever exciting. We go through the week at work, school or whatever. Then a two day weekend, I think that's too short. Well, you can change that. At school, work, wherever. You can make the day all about you, or you can make people feel great and act like Jesus. Because that's what he wants you to do. That might make you feel good about your day. Other people feel bored and tired too. If someone just walked up and said something like your hair looks good. That will make you feel better.
     You can also serve to make you happy. I serve at my church a lot. I love it! I feel like I'm doing something better than  siting at a desk all day. You can do something easy, like going to the manna house every now or then. Or do something good like recycle, sponsor a child,  or donate to the care center. Lots of stuff you can do to reflect Jesus.

Watch this video please or listen